This week has been an interesting one. It's been the laziest, most productive week. Spiritually dead and spiritually alive. Moving no where, going backward, dancing forward. Freezing cold and quite warm. Doubts and assurances. A defining moment was when I woke up Wednesday and said to myself "It's already Wednesday." When the previous night I had gone to bed and thought to myself, "It's only Tuesday." Definitely a week of oxymoron's.
It was beautiful, painful, insightful. A growing week. I've been learning I'm not so independent. Not so certain about where I'm going. Not so certain about God's calling on my life. Not so certain about how horrible things are. Not so certain about how wonderful things are.
Life is meant to be reflected upon, if we rush through it we'll miss the mystery and majesty of God's creation.
I practice Lent every year (well for the past three years and this one) and this year I decided to do Ash Wednesday the way Catholics do it. I fasted that day and went to Catholic Mass. It was absolutely beautiful. I know that it can be tough for some to understand the rituals, even I had a bad preconceived notion about what I was getting myself into. I'm so glad I went, I truly enjoyed it and walked away knowing that God's presence had been there.
The Catholic church is rich with history. It was the church for 100s of years. I know that this doesn't mean it hasn't had its share of scandals, hurts, theological mishaps, etc. but what church doesn't have these problems? For me, to be sitting, standing, and kneeling at the right time, to be saying the words at the right time, to be bowing and praying at the right time, it was peaceful. It was a joy to think of the millions of others who had/were/will partake in a mass similar to the one I was enjoying. It was a privilege to be part of a service filled with so much history, tradition, and love. I can't put to words the beauty of that service. I felt whole and one with God.
And so I received the ashes upon my head and let the words flow around me, "Remember o woman, you are but dust, and to dust you shall return." I was reminded how very small I am in this expansive universe, and I was so very thankful for my life and for my Savior. God did not have to create me, but He did. My Father did not need me, but He breathed life into me anyway. He does not need my presence in Heaven, but He sent His Son to die for me. This is solemnly exciting. And as I continue these next forty days of Lent I look forward to learning more about the Creator, and the love that sent a Son... a beautiful, perfect, whole Son, down to this earth to die for me, you, and billions of others.
Truly, whether Catholic, Protestant, Lutheran, Baptist, Non-Denominational, I think we can all agree this Lent season is about Jesus, and that's something we can cherish.
Much more happened this week, but I think the power of Wednesday was the highlight, so I'll leave you with that little morsel of a bigger meal :)
Blessings and Love,
Friday, February 27, 2009
My week.
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Thanks for your comment. I hope it does work!
BTW, what religion are you? I mean, I'm not trying to say that you're wrong, but I'm Baptist. Baptist actually didn't come from Catholicism; there have been Baptists since, well John the Baptist! lol Just my thoughts on this post.
Uhmmm, I'm not sure I'll be into the lent thing. I tend to stay away from things to do with Catholicism because it's seems like most of it has to do with religious rituals rather than something real. I do think that some Catholics are real Christians, but definitely not all.
Anyways, as for the HA, I have been thinking about it. And right now that's not where I'm being led. It could be a possiblity in the future for sure but the current plan is that I'll go back to school for another semester and hopefully do a half day co-op at my church and take a philosophy course (because I have to have three courses to attend).
There's a women's group I would love to be a part of that's probably going to start in the fall. I think I may have mentioned this once before, and I still don't know exactly what that entails. It's something I'm really looking forward to.
Also, I need to get a job pretty badly. I sent a copy of my resume to some guy who's doing a student works painting thing today. He came to my writer's craft class a couple days ago. So if you could be praying for that, that would be awesome. I'm hoping that something good comes out of this.
This is a stinkin' long comment so have a good day lady and go spend your time doing something else.
Ok! No big deal. Actually, last year I had to explain to people why I do NOT celebrate Lent because it's a Catholic and Protestant tradition. They all, like, freaked out and were like, "But, Baptists ARE Protestants!" It was so funny because some people even got mad! lol whatever
Hi SamanthaMarie! I apologize for not commenting earlier, but I awarded you. :) Check out my blog for details. Also, I have been posting about what the real point of blog awards really is.
God bless, dear sister, and have a great day!
In Him Alone,
Rachel M.
What a beautiful post! :o)
I also practice Lent, though the church I attend doesn't. (it might surprise people to know that Lent is not strictly a Catholic practice though - I grew up practicing it in the United Methodist church :o) )
Anyhoo...I find Lent to mean so much more to me now since I'm choosing to practice than it ever did when it truly was just a ritual. I'm glad you received such a blessing last Wednesday!
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